Film@BirrTheatre brings you the best of Irish, world and independent cinema on the theatre's big screen. This week we are mesmerised by Kate Winslet's stunning performance in Francis Lee ("God's Own Country") latest period drama.
In 1800s England, acclaimed but unrecognized fossil hunter Mary Anning (Kate Winslet) works alone on the rugged Southern coastline. With the days of her famed discoveries behind her, she now searches for common fossils to sell to tourists to support herself and her ailing mother. When a wealthy visitor entrusts Mary with the care of his wife Charlotte Murchison (Saoirse Ronan), she cannot afford to turn his offer down.
Proud and relentlessly passionate about her work, Mary initially clashes with her unwelcome guest, but despite the distance between their social class and personalities, an intense bond begins to develop, compelling the two women to determine the true nature of their relationship.
Ammonite is a genre exploding drama that forgoes historical accuracy to focus on human experience. Just as he did in 2017 in the brilliantly received "God's Own Country", Francis Lee explores the inner lives of his characters, lingering on the quiet moments that balance between loneliness and intimacy. Through his lens Kate Winslet delivers a stunningly restrained and yet powerful performance. She inhabits the character of Mary, illuminates her from within until she shines brighter than you thought was possible. If it weren't for Saoirse Ronan's equally powerful presence you might think that Ammonite was a "One Woman Film".
Together, Winslet and Ronan capture the magnetic draw between two people who recognize each other as a trapped spirit, and who are determined to help set the other free. Made with care and attention to details, Ammonite is an expertly crafted observation of the human character that at times feels distanced, but thanks to it's 2 main actors evolves into a moving, thoughtful human story of passion and robust sensuality.
Valentines week found it's perfect movie!
So come and join us this Thursday at 8pm for This week's installment of Film@BirrTheatre.
Tickets available online : Book Now