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STEAM - October 2024
Engineering Heritage Festival
The inaugural Birr STEA M Engineering Festival took place from the 18th to the 20th of October 2024.
As organisers we were delighted by the enthusiasm of the attendees, the knowledge of the presenters and the brilliant conversations that made this first edition a success.
You will find below a link to all the material that was presented during these 3 eventful days. so scroll down and download away. Also, if you haven't already done so, we would love to hear what you thought of the week-end, so leave us your honest feedback by filling in the questionnaire available HERE.

Download all the presentations below:
John Burgess – The Parsons Families of the 19th Century
Geoff Horseman – Evolution of the Parsons Land Steam Turbine
Ian Whitehead – Turbinia "a daring venture in marine propulsion"
Geoff Horseman – Engines of the First Giant Turbine Passenger Liners
Jody Power - Marine Propulsion Steam Turbines – A Personal Journey
Benita Stoney - The Stoney family collaboration and achievements
Una O’Grady - Renewable Energy in the Midlands – Wind, Water and Stars
Stephen Grant - Engineering at a time of change
Friday 18th
Saturday 19th
Sunday 20th
Book your space now

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