Actors, musicians and performers are known for their quirky pre-show rituals...
Alice Cooper insists on a good Kung-Fu Films and a bowl of Skittles.
Keith Richards likes tucking into an home made shepherd’s Pie.
Kit Harington likes to do things in threes : he kisses a crucifix three times, eats three haribo sweets and takes 3 sips of still water
At Birr Theatre and Arts Centre we may not ask for bowls of green M&Ms (other chocolate treats available) but we do have our pre-show routines:
Last week, Ger repainted the stage to the deepest black.
On Thursday we steamed and ironed the curtains
Today we will run a test of our audio systems (again)
It takes quite a lot to get the place ready for our shows and we are busy busy busy getting the theatre ship-shaped for Sunday's brilliant musical show. With 3 performers on stage, an intricate light show, a huge on stage installation of instruments, pipes, and of course "Wire Strings & Other Things", the new show from the Ark Company requires quite a lot of work to deliver an intoxicating exploration of how music comes together from everyday things.
WIRE STRINGS & OTHER THINGS is a musical adventure for the whole family.
The show follows the adventures of 3 sound explorers (Andreea, James and Ed) as they set-off on a musical journey to discover rhythms and melodies. As they travel they create music with the everyday objects they find along the way.
Anything can happen as they find each other and start to invent music together. The audience shares the whole experience and helps them explore the magic and mystery of how to compose, perform and improvise.
So get ready to take part in their journey!
Wires, Strings & Other Things is a music performance that encourages us to always be curious. To listen, respond to, and communicate through the sounds, music and stories that are all around us.
We just hope that Ger and Connor will have the time to get the stage ready for Sunday!!!
Book your tickets here or call our box office (057 9122911)