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Who is Vincent Devine ?

Writer's picture: birrtheatrebirrtheatre

In 2022 we ask our visiting artists to tell us a little bit about themselves. We hope that these short questionnaires will reveal something that you didn't know or expect about them.

To say that Vincent Devine's latest exhibition was "highly anticipated" doesn't even start to illustrate the level of excitement from some of our staff... Vincent could be seen as a "chouchou" for some of us. and when you read his answers to our quickfire interview you might understand why.

Q- Tell us about yourself

A- I am a professional artist based in Tullamore, Co.Offaly. I decided at 7 years of age I was going to become an artist and did everything I could from that age to now to make that dream a reality. I am a father to three children Annalie, Rowan and Thea and run a Gallery/Studio space in Tullamore. My work has taken me all over the world and I have been honoured to work for some high profile celebrities and people who trust me to commission works that require them to tell me highly sensitive and emotional information. That in my opinion is the real essence of what I do, take peoples stories and distill them down into paintings that will function as an heirloom for their families for years to come..

Q- What will you exhibit in Birr

A- I am showcasing work from my “Ambigutree Series” here in Birr Theatre and Arts Centre. In this series of work I hide shapes in the trees, some are more obvious than others.It takes some people longer to see the shapes than others.The idea is that people in modern day society are in too much of a rush.Paintings should function like a window in a house or hotel, to serve as a quiet space to lose yourself in the image, colours, composition.The reward to taking this time with my works is that you get a surprise when you see the shapes in the trees.However when you see them you can’t un-see them!

Q- Who is your biggest influence?

A- My three children. They are my drive and inspiration for everything I do. It was when my eldest daughter Annalie was born in 2011 that I really started to push and monetise my work to be able to support my family. This meant I didn’t second guess myself as much as I did before she was born because I was striving to provide for her. The result was me pushing myself, making mistakes, learning from those mistakes and constantly seeking to grow as a creative person.

Q- Describe yourself as a 10-year-old.

A- Introverted but tenaciously dedicated to my art. It was my solace, my quiet place. Even now to this day I will draw something that I struggled to draw as a child and I feel it acknowledges that little kid in there who never gave up, no matter how hard it was.

Q- What’s your best exhibition memory?

A- It was very early on in my career and I had spent all my savings to take a small stand at the largest art fair in the country. A beautiful old woman who was very well dressed stopped at my stand and theatrically gasped out loud in response to the work. I turned to look at her and she remarked: “are these yours, god they are very grim and dark, wouldn’t be for me at all”. At that moment I had to make a choice; to be intimidated or to defend my work. My response was: “you would think a lady who looks and dresses as well as you do could afford some manners! That's my work on the wall and if you don’t like it you’re more than welcome to keep walking, but I will not tolerate that level of rudeness!” She instantly backed down and apologised and we parted ways and it was in that moment I realised I would defend my work from those in the peanut gallery.

Q- What’s your worst exhibition memory?

A- None, every experience good, bad or indifferent has made me grow and use those experiences to learn and not make the same mistakes again.

Q- Where are you at your happiest?

A- Relaxing with my kids on my down time from my studio. However when I am in the flow and I’m in front of the easel the entire world melts away outside the walls of my studio, it's almost like I go into a trance. Even though I’m happy inspiration and creativity continue to show up for me whenever I need them, it's unnerving because you’re always worried about it not showing up. Creativity has never let me down, it's like my oldest friend.

Q- What’s your favourite colour?

A- Turquoise, it is so changeable in different lights, it plays with your eye and it’s clinically proven to relax you.

Q- What’s the last book you enjoyed?

A- John Hume: A New Ireland.

Q- What’s the last film / play you enjoyed?

A- Can’t remember, Hollywood is in shambles at the moment!.

Q- What’s your favourite song of all time?

A- Ennio Morricone : Ecstasy of Gold

"Pause..." Vincent Devine's exhibition of his "Ambigutree" series will open in birr Theatre & Arts Centre on Wednesday the 13th and will be open to the public every day of the week in our foyer until the end of May.

come and see it for yourself or take a sneek peak ONLINE in our virtual gallery

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