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  • Writer's pictureAnne Coughlan

Hats off to Phelim and Anto....Fri June 10th

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

The Drew House Band with Phelim and his mega guitarist Anto wowed us last friday in an intimate setting. Tables and chairs were set and lit by candles to create the best possible environment for the evening ahead.

Getting close and personal with chats of days gone by, comments, feelings and many a nod to looking at Ronnie from the eyes of a child, Phelim shared his feelings of what he noted of a lifetime with his Da - Ronnie Drew.

Always one to back the underdog he claimed, Ronnie was no doubt a character beyond belief with a voice that was unique powerful, low and grained.

It was hard not to pick up on the audiences passion. The movement of swaying in their chairs, the toe tapping and sheer delight and Phelim's penultimate tune ....."There was an Auld Woman....and she lived in the word, how long since we heard or sang along to that?

A gentle man himself, with an ease of presence and confidence in his art, Phelim knocked the socks off all those present with comments on exit such as -what a night, wasn't he great, couldn't get over the guitar playing and I actually prefer him to his Dad!

Tall words indeed for a night that was up close and personal.

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