If you are interested in any and all forms of stitching & crafting, come meet with Declan Costello from Offaly Local Development Company about establishing a Birr Crafters group on Tuesday, March 8th at 2pm.
We were impressed by the way some of our members came together to take part in the Exploring Birr Skies Project. Each meeting was held with enthusiasm. The conversation flowed and people shared skills and stories in equal measures.
So, we wonder, now that this specific project came to an end, if Birr is not missing a regular space for these conversations and craft projects to take place. A place to have some time out with like-minded people while doing activities you love.
Why not get together with friends and soon to be friends and have some creative fun together?
Come and join us on March the 8th at 2pm to find out more.
Bring some craft work with you to show him what you do and are interested in. He will provide advice and support on how to go about establishing a weekly group.
Everyone welcome!
Booking essential: 057 9122911 or book online