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Week 1 Playlist
Ciara Callanan Ryan & Sean Ryan
Oisín Robbins: Holding Out
Jack McHugh & Conor McNally
Caroline Conway, An Unsettling Year
Aidan Byrne: Making Origami Bookmarks
Week 2 Playlist
HAZEL GREENE Painting with Watercolour
Aidan Byrne - Big Mouths
The Little Prince Little Podcast
Music & Dance from Leap Castle with Ciara & Sean Part 2
Week 3 Playlist
Music & Dance from Leap Castle with Ciara & Sean Part 3
Mosaic Mirrors with AIDAN BYRNE
Wolftrap Mountain by Finn Nichol
GONE VIRAL by Nicky Larkin
The Skawman written & performed by Oisín Robbins
Please Donate!
Your donation will ensure that we can continue to deliver a vibrant and engaging arts programme to the people of Birr and surrounding region long into the future. All donations welcome.
Thank You So Much

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